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About me

           Let's see, what can I say about myself?  Well, I guess I could tell you what I used to be before I was born again, if I can remember.


            Before I was born again I was in school, I was born again as a senior in high school and before that I was put down by most everyone in school.  I guess I never really did anything wrong, but as I had learn from the Bible, as was a sinner, the things I did never really worked out for me. 

          I have a freind who goes by the initials A.C., he wrote a book called I Met Nobody Special.  I guess I was kind of like Nobody.


          But now that I have been born again for over thirty years and Holy Spirit filled-baptized (anointed) I am not the same anymore.  I have much more confidence, am more secure and have more friends than I can contact in a year.  I have been called  into the ministry and am enjoying life as I grow.  One of the outlets that God has given me to do is writing.  My books are all over the web, many people read them, and many articles have been written, most of them are published at

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